November was a month plauged by sickness (as was December). There was at least one member of the Herring household sick at all times. Ugg...these winter germs got the best of us! That said, it didn't slow us down much.
I distinctly remember G wearing these "real shoes" for the first time. It was at his first GT football game. I thought I'd better document C's first time wearing "real shoes" as well. Hey big boy! |
Carson toyed with the idea of crawling in November. By the end of the month he was a professional scooter and could get to where he wanted to go pretty quickly. Okay, let's be honest, he got there pretty slowly. This big boy isn't very fast...yet! |
G gave a stunning performace of "The Turkey is a Funny Bird" during his class party. This was a major improvement over last years school gatherings! |
I know I've said it before, but Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. No pressure, no prep work, lots of food and time with family. I love these next few photos of Gaga and Gingi with their great grands and then the grands. We have the best grandparents ever!
We certainly have a lot to be thankful for this year and always. It was fun with the addition of two little ones around the table this year. Carson and Jackson were the most popular guests at the gathering!
G found a cozy little spot to enjoy his banana. Or as he calls it, his "bana." |
A rare moment of playing together and sharing for these two! Griffin is not too fond of Carson's new found mobility. |
Griffin's best bud Tate came home from school with us one afternoon. I sent them upstairs to my room for the usual "Griffin time." They were so cute and had such a fun time up there (doing seat drops and face plants on the bed). I'm pretty sure as soon as I snapped this photo and shut the door they hopped up and started being the little rascals that they are. Griffin still talks about Tate being at our house and them playing on the bed. |
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