Bath time has become a favorite time of day around here. G has always enjoyed playing in the tub and Carson is a big fan too! We use to bathe the boys separately, Griffin in his bathroom and Carson in our bathroom. We used a man-on-man strategy to save time and get the job done. Every now and then, usually if Chad or I was doing bath time alone, we'd put both boys in our tub. Griffin loved this!
Carson still in the baby tub. |
Griffin thought he'd try it out too...for old time sake. |
Then starting about a month ago, we decided Carson was sitting up well enough for him to join Griffin in the big boy tub! These two have so much fun and the splashing is out of control, with Carson being the main culprit. That boy can SPLASH!
Griffin doesn't seem to mind sharing the tub, but sharing his bath toys? We're working on that.
Carson got to enjoy a few baths on his own while G was visiting Papa Don and Boo for a week! Such a treat for G to have them all to himself, and it was nice for Chad and I to have some one on one time with the Carson man!
NOTE: since I started this post Griffin has decided he kind of likes taking baths on his own better. Bath time is now filled with Carson splashing like a mad man and Griffin getting upset and yelling, "Carson! Stop splashing MY FACE!"